NextJS Error: Your `getServerSideProps` function did not return an object NextJS Error: Your `getServerSideProps` function did not return an object heroku heroku

NextJS Error: Your `getServerSideProps` function did not return an object

From Next.js 10 getServerSideProps supports returning a redirect object for this exact purpose - which also solves the error you're getting by explicitly returning an object.

export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async ({ req, res }) => {    try {        const cookie = req.headers.cookie                if (!cookie) throw new Error('Missing auth token cookie')        await Axios.get('/auth/me', { headers: { cookie } })        return { props: {} }    } catch (err) {        // Handle error        return {            redirect: {                destination: '/login',                statusCode: 307            }        }    }}

The catch doesn't return. You can do

res.writeHead(307, { Location: '/login' }).end()return { props: {ok: false, reason: "some error description for your own consumption, not for client side"}

Similarly, inside the try block, maybe you also want to res.writeHead(200) and push some data to the server?

I don't know very well why, on success, you return the data as a function return value, and on failure, you send the error through HTTP. I think this might be your point of failure, and that both sides should either return HTTP, or a function return value, or both, but not one on one and another one on the other.