Nodejs App crashed heroku - error failed to connect to localhost:27017 Nodejs App crashed heroku - error failed to connect to localhost:27017 heroku heroku

Nodejs App crashed heroku - error failed to connect to localhost:27017

I think your error is related to mongodb instance. To get started with mongodb in Heroku, check their documentation.

To get the correct connection URI, check here

I got the same errorapp_dir [required] application directory-c [optional] cluster, value [optional]

-d [optional] daemonize process using forever

-p [optional] port, value [required]

[nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...

Solution-even thought dependency were there I had done npm installand thendhcp7641:merchant_center sbell10$ npm installnpm WARN package.json Dependency 'grunt-castle' exists in both dependencies and devDependencies, using 'grunt-castle@^0.4.4' from dependencieslazo-mocks@0.1.2 node_modules/lazo-mocks

chai-jquery@1.2.3 node_modules/chai-jquery

and then start workingdhcp7641:merchant_center sbell10$ grunt copy-bundle; gruntRunning "cpf_app:tempo:merge" (cpf_app) task

Running "copy:cpf" (copy) taskCreated 8 directories, copied 5465 files

Running "copy:app" (copy) taskCreated 2 directories, copied 3496 files

Running "merge-conf" task

Running "cpf_app:tempo:bundle-js" (cpf_app) task