PG:InsufficientPrivilege: ERROR when trying to make an INSERT on stage database PG:InsufficientPrivilege: ERROR when trying to make an INSERT on stage database heroku heroku

PG:InsufficientPrivilege: ERROR when trying to make an INSERT on stage database

I know it's waaaaay late, but I just ran into this issue and I believe the problem is that you have exceeded the number of rows allowed for your DB. In my case, I was using a Hobby-dev plan and the limit is 10k rows. If you run heroku pg:info you will see something like:

=== HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_BRONZE_URL (DATABASE_URL)Plan:        Hobby-devStatus:      AvailableConnections: 4/20PG Version:  9.3.3Created:     2014-05-27 15:07 UTCData Size:   175.5 MBTables:      47Rows:        409300/10000 (Write access revoked)Fork/Follow: UnsupportedRollback:    Unsupported

With the Write access revoked being the key piece of information. Upgrading your DB (or deleting some data) should solve this.