PHP Error Logs in Heroku PHP Error Logs in Heroku heroku heroku

PHP Error Logs in Heroku

After a lot of experimentation, it looks like you need to comment out error_log in php.ini and make sure log_errors = on .. this should output your errors to stderr where the heroku logplex can pick up the stream, then monitor with heroku logs --tail .. I launched a heroku facebook app and looked at their phpinfo() and copied the setup.

Try adding:

error_reporting(E_ALL);ini_set("display_errors", 1);

To the very top of your PHP page/app

We had to add this to our buildpack in the bin/compile file:

cat >> <<EOFfor var in \`env|cut -f1 -d=\`; do  echo "PassEnv \$var" >> /app/apache/conf/httpd.conf;donetouch /app/apache/logs/error_logtouch /app/apache/logs/access_logtouch /app/apache/logs/php_error.logtail -F /app/apache/logs/error_log &tail -F /app/apache/logs/access_log &tail -F /app/apache/logs/php_error.log &echo "Launching apache"exec /app/apache/bin/httpd -DNO_DETACHEOF

We left the php.ini and https.conf settings mostly as-is.