Postgres on Heroku and dumping single table to dump file Postgres on Heroku and dumping single table to dump file heroku heroku

Postgres on Heroku and dumping single table to dump file

You can dump a single table of data like so:

$ pg_dump --no-acl --no-owner -h [host ip] -U [user name] -t [table name] --data-only [database name] > table.dump

You can get all of the values needed with this:

$ heroku pg:credentials:url [DATABASE] -a [app_name]Connection info string:   "dbname=[database name] host=[host ip] port=5432 user=[user name] password=[password] sslmode=require"Connection URL:    postgres://[username]:[password]@[host ip][database name]

This will prompt you for your password. Enter it, and you should then proceed to get a file table.dump on your local drive.

You probably want to truncate the table on staging:

$ echo "truncate [table];" | heroku pg:psql [DATABASE] -a staging_app

With that file, you can use psql with the Connection URL:output of a new call to pg:credentials for the staging app and restore just that table.

$ psql "[pasted postgres:// from pg:credentials:url of staging app]" < table.dumpSETSET............$ 

@catsbys answer

I needed to add the port as well

pg_dump --no-acl --no-owner -h [host ip] -p [port] -U [user name] -t [table name] --data-only [database name] > table.dump

Take a look at taps (db:pull), your use case is covered by this answered question, I believe.