Problems with heroku rake db:reset Problems with heroku rake db:reset heroku heroku

Problems with heroku rake db:reset

Heroku, being a shared service is not allowing users the permissions to drop nor create databases - hence the error when running rake db:reset

Hence heroku pg:reset is present as a command to perform the reset of your database.


I got the same error I have fixed it by

heroku pg:reset DATABASE_URLheroku rake db:migrate

As per you error

Also your database.yml point postgres user to connect database in heroku

it should not be postgres as a user in production mode.


Active Record 4.1+ Escape Valve

If you need need to connect to a different database than the ENV['DATABASE_URL'] Rails 4.1+ supports a URL key in the database.yml file that will take precedence.

production:  url: <%= ENV["SOME_OTHER_URL"] %>