Rails 3.1 / Active Admin / Heroku error on first load - Sass::SyntaxError Rails 3.1 / Active Admin / Heroku error on first load - Sass::SyntaxError heroku heroku

Rails 3.1 / Active Admin / Heroku error on first load - Sass::SyntaxError

You need to remove the gem 'sass-rails', " ~> 3.1.0" from the group set.

I would guess that you have a Sass syntax error that the asset pipeline is dealing with during compile. The reason for it only happening after inactivity is that the app is idled down by Heroku and needs to restart to serve a request, hence the asset pipeline 'waking up' again.

add a sass_heroku.rb to config/initializers and it should do the trick

heroku = !!ENV['HEROKU_TYPE']css_dir = heroku ? 'tmp' : 'public'location = Rails.root + 'app/styles'unless Sass::Plugin.template_location_array.any? { |pair| pair.first.to_s == location.to_s }    Sass::Plugin.add_template_location(location, Rails.root + css_dir + 'stylesheets')endif heroku  Sass::Plugin.template_location_array.each do |template_location, css_location|    css_location.sub!(%r{/public/stylesheets$}, "/#{css_dir}/stylesheets")  end  Rails.configuration.middleware.insert_after 'Sass::Plugin::Rack', 'Rack::Static', :urls => ['/stylesheets'], :root => "#{Rails.root}/tmp"end