rails session being reset intermittently rails session being reset intermittently heroku heroku

rails session being reset intermittently

Are you using the standard cookie-based session store? The cookie-based session store, last i looked, most definitely was subject to race-conditions, especially around AJAX requests -- and the race conditions were kind of an inherent part of the design of a cookie-based session store, with no real way to fix it.

This post from 2011 describes a cookie store race condition that also involves the authenticity token, and may be similar to yours. Their solution was turning off the CSRF protection, for certain actions anyway, which doesn't sound like a great solution to me.

This post from 2014 outlines race conditions with cookie session store, and suggests ActiveRecord or other server-side store as a solution. (As i write this, that URL is 404'ing, but available in google cache).

As you can see from the example, the session cookie is updated on every request, regardless of if the session was modified or not. Depending on when the response gets back to the client last, thats the cookie that will be used in the next call. For example, if in our previous example, if get_current_result’s response was slower than get_quiz, then our cookie would have the correct data and the next call to update_response would of work fine! So sometimes it will work and sometimes not all depending on the internet gods. This type of race condition is no fun to deal with.

The implications of this is that using cookie storage for sessions when you are doing multiple ajax call is just not safe. All information saved in the session might be wrong or nonexistent next time you check. So whats the solution?


A better solution would be to use a server side session store like active record or memcache. Doing so prevents the session data from being reliant on client side cookies. Session data no longer has to be passed between the client and the server which means no more potential race conditions when two ajax are simultaneously made!

I can't say for sure if you are running into that problem, but it would be worth a try to switch to the ActiveRecord cookie store, and see if your problem goes away.

Even the activerecord-based session store has at times in the past been subject to race conditions, I am not sure if the current implementation is, but they are at least conceivably solvable, whereas the race conditions in cookie-based store are fundamental.

The ActiveRecord store is probably subject to analagous race conditions to the cookie store actually -- IF you have more than one app process running (or a multi-threaded app server), so concurrent request handling is still possible, a very similar race condition is probably still possible. Although it should probably be even rarer than the race condition with the cookie store, and it is theoretically solvable, although perhaps with some domain-specific logic, unlike the race condition with the cookie store that is pretty much unsolvable if you are doing any async ajax.

For better format, write this as an answer, maybe it should be a comment though.

I met a similar problem, the root reason is my app called current_user before protect_from_forgery executed, this is current_user implementation in Devise:

      def current_#{mapping}        @current_#{mapping} ||= warden.authenticate(scope: :#{mapping})      end

And Devise have a feature config.clean_up_csrf_token_on_authentication = true.

So the problem is, csrf token has been reset after current_user get invoked. because it calls warden.authenticate. Then when running protect_from_forgery. a csrf error has been raised. your session will be reset or an exception raised.

Hope this can help.