Setting Up Symfony Dev Environment in Heroku Setting Up Symfony Dev Environment in Heroku heroku heroku

Setting Up Symfony Dev Environment in Heroku

For anyone having a similar problem, I was able to fix the issue. The issue WAS that I edited the wrong httpd.conf file, since I installed the apache from homebrew.

The path /etc/apache2/httpd.conf is correct if you are using the default apache2 installation on the mac. If you installed apache from homebrew like I did, you will find the httpd.conf file at /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf.

You need to uncomment the 2 lines for mod_proxy and mod_proxy_fcgi and also uncomment the port listener directive, since heroku likes to listen on non-default port 5000 and heroku will automatically do that at run time.

Also the server cannot be running already when you use heroku local.
