Sinatra app with sprockets not working on Heroku Sinatra app with sprockets not working on Heroku heroku heroku

Sinatra app with sprockets not working on Heroku

Simplified the module and now it works! Weird...

class Assets < Sprockets::Environment  class << self    def instance(root = nil)      @instance ||= new(root)    end  end  def initialize(root)    super    %w[app lib vendor].each do |dir|      %w[images javascripts stylesheets].each do |type|        path = File.join(root, dir, 'assets', type)        self.append_path(path) if File.exist?(path)      end    end    self.css_compressor =    self.js_compressor =    context_class.instance_eval do      include Helpers    end  end  def precompile    dir = 'public/assets'    FileUtils.rm_rf(dir, secure: true), 'public/assets', ['*']).compile  end  module Helpers    def asset_path(source)      "/assets/#{Assets.instance.find_asset(source).digest_path}"    end  endend