Syntax error when start $ heroku open Syntax error when start $ heroku open heroku heroku

Syntax error when start $ heroku open

I had the same problem. Not sure why it ends up corrupted, but the config.json should look like the following (get rid of the curly brace before skipAnalytics):

{  "schema": 1,  "install": "3265b92a-27f4-4adb-9c07-75d9213f0000",  "skipAnalytics": false}

Your config.json contains invalid JSON (note the two closing brackets). Reinstall the Heroku CLI, and you should be in good shape.

    USAGE  $ heroku apps:open [PATH]OPTIONS  -a, --app=app        (required) app to run command against  -r, --remote=remote  git remote of app to useEXAMPLES  $ heroku open -a myapp  # opens  $ heroku open -a myapp /foo  # opens

Please visit heroku cli commands documentation here