Unexpected value null imported by the module t Unexpected value null imported by the module t heroku heroku

Unexpected value null imported by the module t

I was having the same issue, it was caused because my NgModules classes had the "export default" modifier. Look if your modules had the export default and remove the "default" modifier as it's not supported by ngc.

I faced the same problem when I wanted to build my project by npm run buildI searched for many solutions, but in the none of them helped. The problem's solution was easy!

I am using ng-lazyload-image and I imported it without curly braces. After adding them around LazyLoadImageModule vuala it worked. Will be happy if this will help somebody.


import LazyLoadImageModule from 'ng-lazyload-image';@NgModule({  imports: [    LazyLoadImageModule,....]})


import { LazyLoadImageModule } from 'ng-lazyload-image';@NgModule({  imports: [    LazyLoadImageModule,....]})