Will my PHP application work with Heroku's ClearDB MySql resource? Will my PHP application work with Heroku's ClearDB MySql resource? heroku heroku

Will my PHP application work with Heroku's ClearDB MySql resource?

Here is the php integration of Cleardb with Heroku:

define ('DB_USER','xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');define ('DB_PASSWORD','yyyyyyyyyyyyyy');define ('DB_HOST','us-cdbr-east.cleardb.com');define ('DB_NAME','heroku_zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz');

Take the params by going in Git and typing heroku config.You will see a CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL

Here is how to decode it:


Interestingly enough, in the official documentation they provide only a Ruby example but nothing about php..http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/cleardb

heroku config | grep CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL