A Lot of Functions are deprecated - iOs 6 A Lot of Functions are deprecated - iOs 6 ios ios

A Lot of Functions are deprecated - iOs 6

[self presentModalViewController:pNewController animated:YES];

can be replaced by

[self presentViewController:pNewController animated:YES completion:nil];

The background of this change can be seen on WWDC 2012 video session #236, the evolution of view controllers on iOS.

click on the method which is deprecated. in the right column Quick Help inspector you can see the Quick Help from the Apple docs.
There is also a recommandation to use updated or alternate methods.

Try this,

Open the .storyboard file or .xib file in "Source Code" mode.

Find and remove this line:

<color key="backgroundColor" cocoaTouchSystemColor="groupTableViewBackgroundColor"/>