Adding underline to UILabel attributed string from the storyboard fails Adding underline to UILabel attributed string from the storyboard fails ios ios

Adding underline to UILabel attributed string from the storyboard fails

Here is the solution in storyboard:Open the Attribute Inspector (make sure label is selected), Change the dropdown value from 'Plain' to 'Attributed'. Now a a small text editor will be visible under the font of the label. Select the text of the label, right click and change the font to 'underline'.

I also have attached a screenshot and successfully underlined a text using storyboard in XCode 7.0.1enter image description here

Underline your text in TextEdit(cmd-U) and copy-paste it in Attribute Inspector > Label > Text > Attributed.

Select label -> Attribute editor -> Title = Attributed

Select the text of the label in the text view in the editor -> Right click -> Font -> check Underline

If the change is not visible -> resize the label