Any good example projects for the Kiwi testing library (offering more complexity than 2+2) Any good example projects for the Kiwi testing library (offering more complexity than 2+2) ios ios

Any good example projects for the Kiwi testing library (offering more complexity than 2+2)

There is a website related to the book "Test Driven iOS Development with Kiwi"You could find out code samples and in-depth tutorial over here.

I tried it out myself and it is great, especially if you are getting started with Kiwi on iOS.The website also has a link to the github with code samples.

mneorr on Github seems to test most of his projects with Kiwi these days. I also think he is a collaborator on the Kiwi project itself. The following projects use Kiwi for unit tests with varying degrees of coverage:

I've used Kiwi to test this project. I don't profess to be a unit testing/TDD/BDD/Kiwi master but maybe it will help someone.