App does not have access to your photos or videos iOS 9 App does not have access to your photos or videos iOS 9 ios ios

App does not have access to your photos or videos iOS 9

This issue appear in iOS 9 when your application Info.plist file contains a key: "CFBundleDisplayName" with empty string value.

You can enter your app name there and it should work.

In info.plist, "Bundle display name" field can not be empty.


If you are getting this screen there are probably below reasons and solutions :

1.If you are not getting access permission alert.

Solution : 1. Add CFBundleDisplayName and its value as you application title or anything you want.2. Add NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription in info.plist file

2.Check your Settings -> Privacy -> Photos, privacy is disabled or enable.

Solution : Enable privacy for photos.

3.If you are working on simulator and have already added CFBundleDisplayName not getting alert for photo access.

Solation : Make sure Xcode you are using must be in Application folder to get permission access alert.