App Store upload is really slow and hogging my internet connection App Store upload is really slow and hogging my internet connection ios ios

App Store upload is really slow and hogging my internet connection

It is apple algorithm to validate first then accept application.

Sometime it uploads in 10-12 minutes sometime takes 30 minutes. It depends on internet speed, server load while uploading...

Developers working outside Apple have to keep patience, No Other way

Best is try to upload with Application loader.

I had the same issue and it was completely fixed upon updating itmstransporter.

cd ~  mv .itmstransporter/ .old_itmstransporter/  "/Applications/"  

Please refer to (look at KumobiusIvan's answer)

Step 0First Export the ipa with export functionality of xcode and the upload it with Application loader

You can use this tool provided by xcode it self,

Step 1
