Apple Sample Code for WatchKit Extension Background Refresh Apple Sample Code for WatchKit Extension Background Refresh ios ios

Apple Sample Code for WatchKit Extension Background Refresh

For anyone who may find this, there were 2 problems that I saw, both with the URLSession scheduling. With these changes, I think the Apple sample code actually works, at least on the simulator.

-The sampleDownloadURL needs to be secure, so a URL with HTTPS is necessary. This one works:,-71.0598/forecast

-It looks to me like the delegate for the URLSession was never set to self, so the following change fixed that:

let backgroundSession = URLSession(configuration: backgroundConfigObject, delegate: self, delegateQueue: nil)

The following working (although less complete) code was very helpful: What's New in watchOS 3: Background Tasks

Edit: One more issue that may occur is that the tasks are completed immediately after they are received. In practice, they should be saved (in a local variable, for instance) and then completed after all processing for that task is complete. For this code, I think that means hanging onto the WKApplicationRefreshBackgroundTask and not calling setTaskCompleted() on it until right after the call to scheduleSnapshot.