ASIHTTPRequest / ASIFormDataRequest - referencing request object within blocks under ARC ASIHTTPRequest / ASIFormDataRequest - referencing request object within blocks under ARC ios ios

ASIHTTPRequest / ASIFormDataRequest - referencing request object within blocks under ARC

(I read your comment to the other question)

After implementing a few more modules using ASIHTTPRequest, I learned that the best way was to keep a strong reference to your request object. In your case, you can do:

self.request = [ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:SOME_URL]];__weak ASIFormDataRequest *weakRequest = self.request; // __block directive not needed since we only access the instance's properties. [self.request setCompletionBlock:^{       if([weakRequest responseStatusCode] == 200)    // ...

This way you can still control self.request even after you start the request (e.g. for cancelling). You can do self.request = nil; when you're ready to release your request, maybe inside your completion block or self.request's parent object's cleanup methods.


If you're targeting pre-iOS 5, then the common ground stands: use __unsafe_unretained instead of __weak. This is OK because looking at ASIHTTPRequest.m, the blocks are nil'ed out in its dealloc() (i.e. they shouldn't get executed). Although I haven't tested that yet, so make sure to still test with NSZombies enabled.


The only safe way to cancel an ASIHTTPRequest object is to call its clearDelegatesAndCancel method. I've been bitten by some nasty bugs when I was just using the plain cancel one.

If you're targeting iOS versions before 5.0, that do not include weak support:

__unsafe_unretained __block ASIFormDataRequest *request = [ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL:url];

I've found this answer to be helpful:

It says to use __unsafe_unretained as well as __block