build error while add revmob ad in iOS app build error while add revmob ad in iOS app ios ios

build error while add revmob ad in iOS app

You need to add the StoreKit framework

EDIT: I see now what you mean, there was an issue with the older versions, I'm adding a link to an edited framework to solve that issue: Edited Revmob Framework

You must link against StoreKit.framework

It looks like the ad sdk you have now does not include support for use with the simulator.

-[RevMobStoreController openStoreWithITunesItemId:] in RevMobAds(RevMobStoreController.o)ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386

if you get anything that mentions "not found for architecture" means revmob didnt include classes for running on simulator. You have 2 choices. look for a missing library ".a file" or only compile for testing on a device.

I've ran into an issue with the new ios6 where revmob did not support the new iphone 5 armv7s architecture.

Double check your revmob installation or try compiling to your phone instead of the simulator