Callback function syntax in Swift Callback function syntax in Swift ios ios

Callback function syntax in Swift

Rob's answer is correct, though I'd like to share an example of a simple working callback / completion handler, you can download an example project below and experiment with the getBoolValue's input.

Swift 5:

func getBoolValue(number : Int, completion: (Bool)->()) {    if number > 5 {        completion(true)    } else {        completion(false)    }}getBoolValue(number: 2) { (result) -> () in    // do stuff with the result    print(result)}

Important to understand:

(String)->() // takes a String returns void()->(String) // takes void returns a String

I use this way :


destination.callback = { (id) -> Void in            print("callback")            print(id)        }


var callback: ((_ id: Int) -> Void)?callback?(example_id)

try below code updated for Swift 3

func getBoolValue(number : Int, completion: (Bool)->()) {    if number > 5 {        completion(true)    } else {        completion(false)    }}getBoolValue(number : 8, completion:{ result in    print(result)})