Cannot add embedded binaries (other projects) to project dependencies in XCode Cannot add embedded binaries (other projects) to project dependencies in XCode ios ios

Cannot add embedded binaries (other projects) to project dependencies in XCode

This is a summary of my answer to the question Xcode won't add “Embedded binary” after deleting “DerivedData”, see the original question and answer for more context and information:

  1. Remove all framework projects from the workspace
  2. Perform a "clean build" and/or remove the "DerivedData"
  3. Add project back into the workspace
  4. Build the project (possibly optional)
  5. In the General tab of the app target click the + under "Linked Frameworks and Libraries", select the framework.
  6. Build and run in the Simulator (there should be no issues building or running)
  7. Build and run for device (this might cause a crash due to the framework not being correctly linked, ignore this crash)
  8. Click the + under "Embedded Binaries", select the framework. This should add it to the project (possible duplicate under "Linked Frameworks and Libraries")
  9. Repeat for all required frameworks
  10. Once building and running (on device) is confirmed you can remove any duplicate (and/or red) frameworks in the Project Navigator or target General tab

Ok, I ran into the same problem as you. After deleting the derived data, I could not re-link my binaries again. I think the reason is because the derived data is where the binaries are written to and linked against in your project.

What I did to solve was to select my Framework as my build target. After building it, the Framework target turned from red to black. I can see in your screenshot it is red, meaning it has not been compiled into a binary and written on disk.

Once I did this, I was able to re-link the Framework to my Project because there was a reference to it on disk. Hope this helps!

Clean your projects & build your framework first. Thereafter you can embed it.