canOpenUrl - This app is not allowed to query for scheme instragram canOpenUrl - This app is not allowed to query for scheme instragram ios ios

canOpenUrl - This app is not allowed to query for scheme instragram

  1. Your LSApplicationQueriesSchemes entry should only have schemes. There's no point to the second entry.

    <key>LSApplicationQueriesSchemes</key><array>    <string>instagram</string></array>
  2. Read the error. You are trying to open the URL with a typo in the scheme. Fix your reference to instragram in your call to canOpenURL:.

For Facebook who's need:

<key>LSApplicationQueriesSchemes</key>    <array>        <string>fbauth</string>        <string>fbauth2</string>        <string>fb-messenger-api20140430</string>        <string>fbapi20130214</string>        <string>fbapi20130410</string>        <string>fbapi20130702</string>        <string>fbapi20131010</string>        <string>fbapi20131219</string>        <string>fbapi20140410</string>        <string>fbapi20140116</string>        <string>fbapi20150313</string>        <string>fbapi20150629</string>        <string>fbshareextension</string>    </array>

Put only <string>instagram</string>. It's not necessary the full path but the base of the scheme url.