Change the width of Master in UISplitViewController Change the width of Master in UISplitViewController ios ios

Change the width of Master in UISplitViewController

If you subclass UISplitViewController, you can implement -viewDidLayoutSubviews and adjust the width there. This is clean, no hacks or private APIs, and works even with rotation.

- (void)viewDidLayoutSubviews{    const CGFloat kMasterViewWidth = 240.0;    UIViewController *masterViewController = [self.viewControllers objectAtIndex:0];    UIViewController *detailViewController = [self.viewControllers objectAtIndex:1];    if (detailViewController.view.frame.origin.x > 0.0) {        // Adjust the width of the master view        CGRect masterViewFrame = masterViewController.view.frame;        CGFloat deltaX = masterViewFrame.size.width - kMasterViewWidth;        masterViewFrame.size.width -= deltaX;        masterViewController.view.frame = masterViewFrame;        // Adjust the width of the detail view        CGRect detailViewFrame = detailViewController.view.frame;        detailViewFrame.origin.x -= deltaX;        detailViewFrame.size.width += deltaX;        detailViewController.view.frame = detailViewFrame;        [masterViewController.view setNeedsLayout];        [detailViewController.view setNeedsLayout];    }}

In IOS 8.0 you can easily do this by doing the following:

1. In your MasterSplitViewController.h add

@property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat maximumPrimaryColumnWidth NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(8_0);

2. In your MasterSplitViewController.m viewDidLoad method add

 self.maximumPrimaryColumnWidth = 100; self.splitViewController.maximumPrimaryColumnWidth = self.maximumPrimaryColumnWidth;

This is a really good, simple and easy feature of IOS 8.

this code is work for me

[splitViewController setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:200.0] forKey:@"_masterColumnWidth"];