Changing the status bar text color in splash screen iOS 7 Changing the status bar text color in splash screen iOS 7 ios ios

Changing the status bar text color in splash screen iOS 7

In the project plist file add the "Status Bar Style" property (key is UIStatusBarStyle). Then ignore all the possible values listed in the drop down for this property and type UIStatusBarStyleLightContent instead.

And you don't have to set UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearanceto NOin your plist, you can set the preferredStatusBarStyle you want to your view controllers.

You can do this without writing any line of code
Do the following to make the status bar text color white through the whole app

On you project plist file:

  • Status bar style: UIStatusBarStyleLightContent
  • View controller-based status bar appearance: NO
  • Status bar is initially hidden: NO

You can do the following things for getting light color status bar throughout the application.

  1. Select the name of the project in the project navigator.
  2. Select the name of a target from the list in the left column of the project editor.
  3. Click General at the top of the project editor.
  4. Set Status Bar Style -> Light

In your plist file add the following values:

  1. Status bar style - UIStatusBarStyleLightContent
  2. View controller-based status bar appearance - NO

This will help you to get the status bar in WHITE colour throughout the application including SPLASH SCREEN.