Content pushed down in a UIPageViewController with UINavigationController Content pushed down in a UIPageViewController with UINavigationController ios ios

Content pushed down in a UIPageViewController with UINavigationController

So I'm adding another answer after further development and I finally think I figured out what's going on. Seems as though in iOS7, UIPageViewController has its own UIScrollView. Because of this, you have to set automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets to false. Here's my viewDidLoad now:

- (void)viewDidLoad{    [super viewDidLoad];    self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false;    DetailViewController *detail = [[DetailViewController alloc] init];    [self setViewControllers:@[detail]                   direction:UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionForward                    animated:false                  completion:nil];}

No need to put anything in viewWillLayoutSubviews (as one of my previous answers suggested).

This is definitely being caused by automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets, as other posters (including @djibouti33). However, this property is strange in two ways:

  1. It must be set on a UINavigationController. If you set it on a child controller that's managed by a UINavigationController, it won't have any effect. 1
  2. It only applies when a scroll view is at index zero in a controller's subviews. 2

These two caveats should explain the intermittent problems experienced by others in the thread.

TLDR: A workaround that I went with is adding a dummy view to the UIPageViewController at index zero, to avoid the setting applying to the scrollView within the page controller, like this:

pageViewController.view.insertSubview(UIView(), atIndex: 0) // swift[pageViewController.view insertSubview: [UIView new] atIndex: 0]; // obj-c

Better would be to set the contentInset on the scroll view yourself, but unfortunately the UIPageViewController doesn't expose the scroll view.

Just uncheck Under Top Bars for both: UIPageViewController and your custom PageContentViewController:

enter image description here