crash_info_entry_0: CoreUI: deallocating _CUIInternalLinkRendition ... crash_info_entry_0: CoreUI: deallocating _CUIInternalLinkRendition ... ios ios

crash_info_entry_0: CoreUI: deallocating _CUIInternalLinkRendition ...

I have a player and the crash happened when I was force removing a time observer from the player. But the timeObserverToken is nil.

The Fix: Just unwrap token with if let before using!

func endPlayerObserving () {   //BAD CODING, Don't ever force unwrap optional objects    player?.removeTimeObserver(timeObserverToken!)}

In my case it probably happened when force unwrapped a referenced property (UI - specifically UITextField) of a different class. It was nil (probably some threading, view deallocation issue)

For my unity project, the crash has gone away after decreasing the sizes of all textures in the project. I had an 8k by 8k skybox used, so this might have been the source of the problem (I don't have a way to test it, so it's just a guess).