Debug iOS 6+7 Mobile Safari using the Chrome DevTools Debug iOS 6+7 Mobile Safari using the Chrome DevTools ios ios

Debug iOS 6+7 Mobile Safari using the Chrome DevTools

The iOS WebKit Debug Proxy project enables this.


To get started, install with homebrew:

brew install ios-webkit-debug-proxy

Run the simulator (if running simulator):

SIM_DIR=/Applications/  "$SIM_DIR/Applications/iPhone Simulator" \  -SimulateApplication \  $SIM_DIR/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator6.1.sdk/Applications/

Run the proxy:


Check for errors

Look on the device for an error message:

Could not connect to lockdownd. Exiting.: No such file or directory. Unable to attach inspector ios_webkit_debug_proxy

Then check the device for a prompt like this (iOS 7 example: )

Trust the currently connected computer?

Choose "Trust" and try rerunning the proxy:


Open default devtools

Then open http://localhost:9221

The DevTools are, by default, an older version (from Chrome 18 circa March 2012).

Try modern devtools

Due to protocol changes, parts the modern DevTools frontend may not work completely. You can try by opening


where the port and page values are the values you're seeing from http://localhost:9221. Again, this may indeed be buggy.

Read more docs at the ios-webkit-debug-proxy project page.

Update: This works with iOS7 as well. Update: Added fresh devtools frontend instructions via patrick.. Update: Changed devtools.html to inspector.html for Chrome 45, and the new ws hack via Scheintod.

According to,

Safari uses the same debugging commands as Chrome but wrapped as binary plists over RPC rather than JSON over websockets.

So, yes, it would possible to write a proxy.

I found this thread by looking at what TCP connections Safari was making while connected to the MobileSafari inspector, seeing that it was connected to a process called webinspectord and Googling that:

# pgrep -lf /Applications/Safari.app33170 /Applications/ -psn_0_21144617# lsof -p 33170 | grep TCPSafari  33170 ryan   16u    IPv6 0x799d5f43b472a241       0t0      TCP localhost:54892->localhost:27753 (ESTABLISHED)# lsof -i :27753COMMAND     PID USER   FD   TYPE             DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAMElaunchd     371 ryan   42u  IPv6 0x799d5f43b472aa01      0t0  TCP localhost:27753 (LISTEN)Safari    33170 ryan   16u  IPv6 0x799d5f43b472a241      0t0  TCP localhost:54892->localhost:27753 (ESTABLISHED)webinspec 33182 ryan    6u  IPv6 0x799d5f43b472aa01      0t0  TCP localhost:27753 (LISTEN)webinspec 33182 ryan    7u  IPv6 0x799d5f43b181a621      0t0  TCP localhost:27753->localhost:54892 (ESTABLISHED)# ps p 33182  PID   TT  STAT      TIME COMMAND33182   ??  S      0:00.28 /Applications/