Determining codesigning identities from the command line? Determining codesigning identities from the command line? ios ios

Determining codesigning identities from the command line?

To get a list of signing identities, I found the perfect answer in this article:

security find-identity -v -p codesigning

It gives output like:

1) 4E8D512C8480FAC679947D6E50190AE9BAB3E825 "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Developer Name (DUCNFCN445)"2) 8B0EBBAE7E7230BB6AF5D69CA09B769663BC844D "Mac Developer: Developer Name (DUCNFCN445)"3) 4E8D512C8480AAC67995D69CA09B769663BC844D "iPhone Developer: App Developer (DUCNFCN445)"4) 65E24CDAF5B3E1E1480818CA4656210871214337 "Developer ID Application: App Developer (DUCNFCN445)"   4 valid identities found