Duplicate Symbol Error in Objective-C build? Duplicate Symbol Error in Objective-C build? ios ios

Duplicate Symbol Error in Objective-C build?

You could also get this error if you mistakenly let Xcode's auto-complete for #import statements specify the '.m" file for the 'duplicate' class instead of the '.h'.

It seems that you are compiling the same BlogTableItemCell class two times in different places of your code. This may happen in the following cases.

  • You have put the same classimplementation into two differentfiles;

  • You actually have just oneimplementation of this class, howeveryou are also linking in your project a frameworkor library containing a class whosename is exactly the same of yours.

Try finding in the whole project your class and make sure only one copy is available within your project.

For me, changing 'No Common Blocks' from Yes to No ( under Targets->Build Settings->Apple LLVM - Code Generation )enter image description here