duplicate symbol linker error when adding crashlytics and fabric duplicate symbol linker error when adding crashlytics and fabric ios ios

duplicate symbol linker error when adding crashlytics and fabric

1.Remove (and move to trash) Fabric.framework and any installed Fabric kits and their associated resources.

  1. Do a Clean and a Deep Clean in the project (ALT-SHIFT-CMD-K)

  2. Add the Fabric pod to your Podfile: pod 'Fabric'

  3. Add a pod in your Podfile for each Fabric kit that your project is using: pod 'Crashlytics'

Note: If you need Crashlytics and Answers, you should only install pod 'Crashlytics' as Answers is included within Crashlytics. Only install pod 'Answers' if you want Answers without Crashlytics.

Hope that fixes your issue. In case all that fail try to delete all the pods and add them again in that order.Good Luck!