dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath with iOS8 dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath with iOS8 ios ios

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath with iOS8

To make this work

  1. In the framework project settings change the install directory from'/Library/Frameworks' to '@executable_path/../Frameworks'

  2. In the project that includes this framework, add a copy files phase and copy this framework to the 'Frameworks' folder. Once you do this ensure that this framework is listed under the 'Embedded Binaries' section.

Issue resolved using this answer. According to @vladof81:

In the target's General tab, there is an Embedded Binaries field. When you add the framework there the crash is resolved.

Reference is here on Apple Developer Forums.

I also had same kind of problem where I was not able to launch the app & app was crashing with above message :

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/FrameworkName.framework/FrameworkName Referenced from: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Reason: image not found

Here is my approach that helped me to resolve this error:

  1. From General Tab

Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content

  • add the framework and make sure to make it Embed & Sign

General Tab

  1. From Build Phases


  • add the framework to it

Build Phases