Equivalent to the Android's ViewPager on iOS? Swipe/flip through pages of data Equivalent to the Android's ViewPager on iOS? Swipe/flip through pages of data ios ios

Equivalent to the Android's ViewPager on iOS? Swipe/flip through pages of data

Use a UIScrollView with the pagingEnabled property set to YES. Typically a UIPageControl is used along with it.

If you Google for "UIScrollView paging", you can find many tutorials and examples. Apple provides a PageControl sample program.

iOS doesn't provide any sort of adapter-like class, but here is a tutorial that explains how to implement "virtual pages" so that you don't have to instantiate all the pages at once: http://cocoawithlove.com/2009/01/multiple-virtual-pages-in-uiscrollview.html

You should look at UIPageViewController.Its available since iOS 5.

I've created a custom control for iOS which acts similar to android's viewPager. You can check this out here.