Error when build project in new Xcode 8.0 beta Error when build project in new Xcode 8.0 beta ios ios

Error when build project in new Xcode 8.0 beta

I combatted this last night. I assume you are using Pods: For each Pod, change the Team under Signing (as shown here)

edit: Screenshots are in Xcode 8 (now)

I stole this from Anish:

Project tab -> list of Targets -> General tab for the target xcode complains about (in my case that's my framework used by my applications) -> choose your team

My project does not use pods. Sheesh.

UPD: now my project has picked up developers from the brave new world and it does use pods now (sudo hardlyagem install cocoapods), but that's hardly relevant since the solution I stole from Anish predates the import of boatload of 3rd party problems, all alike

I solved this problem by deleting my apple id from Xcode preferences and restarting it . Sign in with your ID again and you'll be good to go