EXC_BAD_ACCESS on mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification EXC_BAD_ACCESS on mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification ios ios

EXC_BAD_ACCESS on mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification

The documentation of NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification says that:

"You can pass the notification object to mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification: on another thread, however you must not use the managed object in the user info dictionary directly on another thread. For more details, see Concurrency with Core Data in Core Data Programming Guide."

Maybe this is the issue? I would make sure the object u get from the notification is getting saved on Default Context on the same thread it was posted by Root.

It's been some time now since this question was posted and after rediscovering it I'd like to answer my own question for the sake of others who find this thread.

In my circumstance I had migrated a large code base from sibling NSManagedObjectContexts updated via NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification's. However the problem was not really anything to do with this, even though this did expose the issue.

The real cause of this were places that there were older parts of the code, setup by previous engineers, that had setup KVO on NSManagedObjects and their properties. It transpired that KVO on Core Data entities is in fact a very very bad idea.

More accurately, it appeared that this happened when KVO was setup on entities and either the object, or the target of a relationship on this object was deleted from the NSPersistentStore. This second condition seemed to not be the only cause of the issue, but was definitely a very prominent cause in my situation.

Lesson's learnt:

  1. Use a fetched results controller when you need to. KVO is not a convenient shortcut and you shouldn't avoid migrating dodgy Core Data KVO code to NSFetchedResultsControllers or another sensible alternative as the procrastination will just hurt you.
  2. Multi threaded Core Data is a difficult but very worthwhile skill to become an expert in. Knowing your Core Data stack and the nuances and limitations of Core Data multithreading is absolutely worth all the mental anguish.

One possibility is that your persistent store has become corrupted and is in an inconsistent state. If this happens an error code is generated which Magical Record does not necessarily deal with. This can be the source of a number of difficult-to-repeat apparently-random crashes related to Magical Record (and may or may not be considered a Magical Record bug).

It's worth reading the Magical Record issues threads here (same issue) and here (different issue, but could be similar cause). When I hit these problems I managed to make some temporary patch fixes following various hints in those threads, but ultimately I decided to remove my dependency on Magical Record, and I have had no problems since then.