Forcing onLayout on React Native view Forcing onLayout on React Native view ios ios

Forcing onLayout on React Native view

You can have a unique key based on the content. whenever a key attribute of a component changes it is forcing a re-render.

Method this.calculateDimensions needs to have some kind of indication, that it should be called again and fire re-render. I would recommend to use for its state or memo.

Let me show you an example with React Hooks. I'm setting for component onLayout, which using callback onComponentLayout. onComponentLayout has state componentHeight, which fire re-render whenever it's changed. So I'm able to change it dynamically if componentHeight is missing.

...const onComponentLayout = useCallback(({nativeEvent: {layout}}) => {   !componentHeight && setComponentHeight(layout.height);}, [componentHeight, setComponentHeight]);...return (...    <Component      onLayout={onComponentLayout}    />...)