Global Variable / Constant in React Native Global Variable / Constant in React Native ios ios

Global Variable / Constant in React Native

What' I've done is create a globals module...

// File: Globals.js

module.exports = {  STORE_KEY: 'a56z0fzrNpl^2',  BASE_URL: '',  COLOR: {    ORANGE: '#C50',    DARKBLUE: '#0F3274',    LIGHTBLUE: '#6EA8DA',    DARKGRAY: '#999',  },};

Then I just require it at the top...

const GLOBAL = require('../Globals');

And access them like so...



UPDATE on Feb 10, 2018

This seems to be a pretty popular and useful answer, so I thought I should update it with the more current syntax. The above still works in CommonJS module systems, but now days you're just as likely to run into ES6 and importmodules rather than require them.

ECMAScript Modules (ESM) Syntax

// File: Globals.js

export default {  STORE_KEY: 'a56z0fzrNpl^2',  BASE_URL: '',  COLOR: {    ORANGE: '#C50',    DARKBLUE: '#0F3274',    LIGHTBLUE: '#6EA8DA',    DARKGRAY: '#999',  },};

// to use...

import GLOBALS from '../Globals'; // the variable name is arbitrary since it's exported as default

// and access them the same way as before


global in react native is like the window in web development.

// declare a global varibleglobal.primaryColor = '***';//now you can use this variable anywhereconsole.log(primaryColor);

I too made a module like in Chris Geirman's answer, but was not able to reference it with the require. Instead I got it to work with import * as GLOBAL from '../Globals';