Google Maps URL scheme not working on iOS 9 Google Maps URL scheme not working on iOS 9 ios ios

Google Maps URL scheme not working on iOS 9

In iOS 9, Apple has made a change to the handling of URL schemes.Now you need to add "LSApplicationQueriesSchemes" key in plist and then add URLScheme you want to call.

<key>LSApplicationQueriesSchemes</key><array> <string>comgooglemaps</string></array> 

In iOS 9.0, further restrictions were placed on the canOpenURL method -- for this method to work, you will need to add a LSApplicationQueriesSchemes array to your app's info.plist file, and then add items for each URL scheme you will want to query. These schemes as comgooglemaps, comgooglemaps-x-callback, and your own app's custom URL scheme.

I have added following items in my info.plist.

<key>LSApplicationQueriesSchemes</key><array>    <string>comgooglemaps</string>    <string>comgooglemaps-x-callback</string></array>

Try with this sample code OpenInGoogleMaps-iOS.