How do I automatically create performance reports for an iOS app? How do I automatically create performance reports for an iOS app? ios ios

How do I automatically create performance reports for an iOS app?

I'm also using fruitstrap to install apps on the device in CI. In terms of booting the app, I know of two ways:

  1. Use fruitstrap with the debugger attached

  2. Use the instruments command line tool with UIAutomation

    • I know the instruments tool can boot apps on the device automatically in CI (I wish it also installed them, but we have fruitstrap for that until Apple fixes it). So you could write a really simple little UIAutomation test that gave your app enough time to do its performance analysis.
    • Jonathan Penn has a nice little demo project for UIAutomation and build script that could be integrated with an 'install' step using fruistrap to try it out on the device

In both cases, I uses a little wrapper around libusb to give me the device ID of attached devices, so the more devices I plug into my CI machine, the more devices it runs tests on,

Can you launch the app on the device using lldb?

If so, it may also be able to capture the log output.