How do I draw a point using Core Graphics? How do I draw a point using Core Graphics? ios ios

How do I draw a point using Core Graphics?

CGContextFillRect(context, CGRectMake(x,y,1,1));

Quartz is not a pixel-oriented API, and its contexts aren’t necessarily pixel buffers. If you want to draw pixmaps, create a bitmap context with CGBitmapContextCreate(). You provide a buffer, which you can manipulate directly, and can copy to another context by creating a CGImage from the same buffer using CGImageCreate() and drawing that.

Draw a very small ellipse/circle and fill it!

CGContextAddEllipseInRect(Context,(CGRectMake (x_dot, y_dot, 3.0, 3.0));CGContextDrawPath(Context, kCGPathFill);CGContextStrokePath(Context);

I am using this code to create a small dot (3x3 pixels) in a dotted music note.