How to cancel Auto-renewable subscription by using test user in sandbox environment? How to cancel Auto-renewable subscription by using test user in sandbox environment? ios ios

How to cancel Auto-renewable subscription by using test user in sandbox environment?

You just have to wait. From Apple's documentation:

Additionally, test subscriptions only auto-renew a maximum of six times.

Your test subscription lasts way less than the real duration, from 3 minutes to one hour.All renewing durations can be found on the following page:

The cancel date can be found in the receipt.

You can do it in the following way:

  1. Open iOS Settings
  2. Go to "App Store"
  3. Tap your sandbox account ("SANDBOX ACCOUNT" section at the bottom of the screen)
  4. Select "Manage"
  5. "Edit subscription" screen will open and there you'll have a "Cancel subscription" option for your Sandbox subscription.

With a small delay (it was several minutes for me) you'll get a server notification with "notification_type": "DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_STATUS" and "auto_renew_status": "false". This means that the subscription is still valid, but it won't be automatically renewed when the current subscription period expires.

If you want to test refund (not a regular cancellation), then it's impossible as far as I know.