How to compare two NSDate objects in objective C How to compare two NSDate objects in objective C ios ios

How to compare two NSDate objects in objective C

Here's an example using the NSDate method, compare:

if([startDate compare: endDate] == NSOrderedDescending) // if start is later in time than end{    // do something}

From the class reference:


The receiver and anotherDate are exactly equal to each other, NSOrderedSame.

The receiver is later in time than anotherDate, NSOrderedDescending.

The receiver is earlier in time than anotherDate, NSOrderedAscending.

You could also use the timeIntervalSinceDate: method if you wanted to compare two dates and find the seconds between them, for example.


if(([startDate1 compare:[self getDefaultDate]] == NSOrderedSame) || ([startDate1 compare: [self getDefaultDate]] != NSOrderedSame && (([m_selectedDate compare: m_currentDate1] == NSOrderedDescending) || [m_selectedDate compare: m_currentDate1] == NSOrderedSame) && cycleStopped))

Easy way to compare NSDates (found here

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>@interface NSDate (Compare)-(BOOL) isLaterThanOrEqualTo:(NSDate*)date;-(BOOL) isEarlierThanOrEqualTo:(NSDate*)date;-(BOOL) isLaterThan:(NSDate*)date;-(BOOL) isEarlierThan:(NSDate*)date;//- (BOOL)isEqualToDate:(NSDate *)date; already part of the NSDate API@end

And the implementation:

#import "NSDate+Compare.h"@implementation NSDate (Compare)-(BOOL) isLaterThanOrEqualTo:(NSDate*)date {    return !([self compare:date] == NSOrderedAscending);}-(BOOL) isEarlierThanOrEqualTo:(NSDate*)date {    return !([self compare:date] == NSOrderedDescending);}-(BOOL) isLaterThan:(NSDate*)date {    return ([self compare:date] == NSOrderedDescending);}-(BOOL) isEarlierThan:(NSDate*)date {    return ([self compare:date] == NSOrderedAscending);}@end

Simple to use:

if([aDateYouWant ToCompare isEarlierThanOrEqualTo:[NSDate date]]) // [NSDate date] is now{    // do your thing ...}


I must admit that I find the "compare" == NSWhatHaveYou business too complicated to remember (even though it's correct and it works). NSDate has two other methods that my brain finds much easier to deal with: earlierDate and laterDate.

Consider this:

if ([myDate laterDate:today] == myDate) {    NSLog(@"myDate is LATER than today");} else {    NSLog(@"myDate is EARLIER than today");}// likewise:if ([myDate earlierDate:today] == myDate) {    NSLog(@"myDate is EARLIER than today");} else {    NSLog(@"myDate is LATER than today");}

Either method returns an NSDate object, which is either earlier or later than the other.