How to correctly implement didReceiveWriteRequests? iOS6 CoreBluetooth How to correctly implement didReceiveWriteRequests? iOS6 CoreBluetooth ios ios

How to correctly implement didReceiveWriteRequests? iOS6 CoreBluetooth

According to Apple's doc on CoreBluetooth, you should use:

- (void)respondToRequest:(CBATTRequest *)request withResult:(CBATTError)result;

to reply to the central.This is also a choice when you receive a reading request

To use:

- (BOOL)updateValue:(NSData *)value forCharacteristic:(CBMutableCharacteristic *)characteristic onSubscribedCentrals:(NSArray *)centrals;

you first need to subscribe to it using

- (void)setNotifyValue:(BOOL)enabled forCharacteristic:(CBCharacteristic *)characteristic;

from client side.