How to disable "Relative to margin" option for newly created constraint in Xcode6 How to disable "Relative to margin" option for newly created constraint in Xcode6 ios ios

How to disable "Relative to margin" option for newly created constraint in Xcode6

The closest I've ever come to this is hacky at best, so take this for what it is...

Creating AL constraint while not holding Option:

enter image description here

Creating AL constraint while holding option:

enter image description here

In IB if you hold Option while creating the AL constraint, it toggles whether the constraint binds to a margin or not. That's one convenient way to avoid re-editing the constraint. Further (and this is the hacky part because I can't explain it) I've noticed that in projects where I start holding option and binding AL constraints without the margin, that behavior becomes the default!

Like I said, it's hacky and I can't explain it why the default changes sometimes, but holding Option when you create constraints is the closest I've ever gotten.

It is by default enabled in storyboards, I have not found how to disable it.But in Xibs, it is unchecked when you create a constraint.A solution may be to create a storyboard that instantiates your xibs, but you will loose every possibilities given by the segues.

So You may want to deal with it since there's no option for that (so far... ?).