How to discover which friends accepted invites with Facebook API? How to discover which friends accepted invites with Facebook API? ios ios

How to discover which friends accepted invites with Facebook API?

TLDR: Save the response from the actual invite these friends request

As far as I understood the reference you provided:

You can start requesting invite_tokens which I assume you are already able to do.

As answer you get this per invitable_friend:

{  "id": "AVlzYTkXshfBqLe58zR9tY5dZ7L0wltTUkWKT0Z5V87zkwv-39...", // Invite Token  "name": "Guy Cross",  "picture": {    "data": {      "is_silhouette": false,      "url": ""    }  }}

The page mentions earlier how to do requests in general:

FB.ui({method: 'apprequests',  message: 'YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE',  to: 'USER_ID, USER_ID, INVITE_TOKEN' // It says invite token}, function(response){  console.log(response);});

Look at the line with to: You can put invite tokens in there.

Now the response looks like this:

{  request: 'REQUEST_OBJECT_ID'  to:[array of USER_IDs]}

There you got your user ids.

If you go further and either need more informations or want to see who accepted, then you have two options:

  • you can check if the user id has authorized the game
  • when the new user logs in, you can ask for all requests for this new user. There you can track who invited him. GET[USER ACCESS TOKEN]
  • you save all the data (stated in TLDR) and check everytime a new user joins your game, if the new user id is in your list of requests mentioned.

To check who invited him, you can do check the request_object_id with{REQUEST_OBJECT_ID}?access_token=USER_ACCESS_TOKEN of the recieving user and the following response will be:

{  "id": "REQUEST_OBJECT_ID",  "application": {    "name": "APP_DISPLAY_NAME",    "namespace": "APP_NAMESPACE",    "id": "APP_ID"  },  "to": {    "name": "RECIPIENT_FULL_NAME",    "id": "RECIPIENT_USER_ID"  },  "from": {    "name": "SENDER_FULL_NAME",    "id": "SENDER_USER_ID"  },  "message": "ATTACHED_MESSAGE",  "created_time": "2014-01-17T16:39:00+0000"}

if you go with the user access token from the sender you get this:

{  "id": "REQUEST_OBJECT_ID",  "application": {    "name": "APP_DISPLAY_NAME",    "namespace": "APP_NAMESPACE",    "id": "APP_ID"  },  "from": {    "name": "SENDER_FULL_NAME",    "id": "SENDER_USER_ID"  },  "message": "ATTACHED_MESSAGE",  "created_time": "2014-01-17T16:39:00+0000"}

To prevent this, you can specify the user id of the recieving user and get the same answer as from the receiver:{REQUEST_OBJECT_ID}_{USER_ID}?access_token={APP_ACCESS_TOKEN}