How to do copy/paste function programmatically in iphone? How to do copy/paste function programmatically in iphone? ios ios

How to do copy/paste function programmatically in iphone?

To copy from a button click:

- (IBAction)copy {    UIPasteboard *pb = [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard];    [pb setString:[textView text]];}

To paste from a button click:

- (IBAction)paste {    UIPasteboard *pb = [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard];    textView.text = [pb string];}


This is the Swift version of the accepted answer.


UIPasteboard.general.string = myTextView.text


if let myString = UIPasteboard.general.string {    myTextView.insertText(myString)}

For developers using MonoTouch, here are the two lines I used to complete the task in C#.

The answer iscavenger provided to this question served as the model for my answer (after I successfully implemented it in my project ;-)

UIPasteboard clipboard = UIPasteboard.General;clipboard.String =  "string being added to clipboard";