How to get Bundle Id of your app iOS UIA automation How to get Bundle Id of your app iOS UIA automation ios ios

How to get Bundle Id of your app iOS UIA automation

You'd use:

[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier]

+ mainBundle "[r]eturns the NSBundle object that corresponds to the directory where the current application executable is located." and hence will return an NSBundle object for the application bundle.

[- bundleIdentifier] Returns "[t]he receiver’s bundle identifier, which is defined by the CFBundleIdentifier key in the bundle’s information property list."

Here is how I got the Bundle Id for my APP in the UIA Scripts:

//code to get bundle idvar target = UIATarget.localTarget();var app_name = target.frontMostApp().bundleID();UIALogger.logDebug(app_name);

You can findle the bundle id from the plist. Right Click in the app file and click on "show package contents". You will find a plist file there. Open it with any text editor and you will get the bundle id.