How to get UIViewController of a UIView's superview in iOS? How to get UIViewController of a UIView's superview in iOS? ios ios

How to get UIViewController of a UIView's superview in iOS?

You can't access it directly, but you can find the next view controller (if any) by traversing the responder chain.

This is how the Three20 framework does it:

- (UIViewController*)viewController{    for (UIView* next = [self superview]; next; next = next.superview)    {        UIResponder* nextResponder = [next nextResponder];        if ([nextResponder isKindOfClass:[UIViewController class]])        {            return (UIViewController*)nextResponder;        }    }    return nil;}

Please note that -webView:decidePolicyForNavigationAction:... is an undocumented method (for iPhoneOS anyway. It's documented for Mac OS X) and the app will likely be rejected if that's for AppStore.

A view controller is not associated with a view. Only reverse applies. To access a view controller, make it a globally accessible variable or property.

If interface builder is used usually one could define an outlet to the application delegate that connects to the navigation view controller. Then you can use

MyAppDelegate* del = [UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate;[del.the_navigation_view_controller pushViewController:...];

You can get the UIviewController from UIView

UIViewController *viewC = (UIViewController *)view->_viewDelegate;