How to uninstall downloaded Xcode simulator? [duplicate] How to uninstall downloaded Xcode simulator? [duplicate] ios ios

How to uninstall downloaded Xcode simulator? [duplicate]

You can remove them from /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes (Not ~/Library!):


NOTE: This will only remove a device configuration from the Xcode devices list. To remove the simulator files from your hard drive see the previous answer.

For Xcode 7 just use Window \ Devices menu in Xcode:

Devices menu

Then select emulator to delete in the list on the left side and right click on it.Here is Delete option:enter image description here

That's all.

Run this command in terminal to remove simulators that can't be accessed from the current version of Xcode in use.

xcrun simctl delete unavailable

Also if you're looking to reclaim simulator related space Michael Tsai found that deleting sim logs saved him 30 GB.
